I had a friend over who noticed I had been hibernating a wee bit too much.
My friend sat on my couch while I gave a million excuses as to why I didn’t feel I was good enough for a certain situation. The conversation went a bit like this…
F “You’re kidding right”?
Me “I’m as serious as a vegan sundae
F “You’re stunning”
Me “My skin is weird, I’ve not been hitting the gym, I’m out of shape…I am so sick of looking at myself”
F “You have the most beautiful heart I have ever seen in another human”
Me Hugged my friend
It sounds like such a cliché…that old saying “It’s what is on the inside that matters”. It’s very true. Simply put we are souls borrowing these bodies in order to have our spiritual experience here on Earth.
Here are a few things I am doing (both inside and out) to raise my vibration and to heal my wounded self-esteem.
1) I’m walking my dogs every morning always certain to walk barefoot. This is grounding. I also feel good knowing I’m giving to my dogs while taking in the fresh air.
2) I’ve made my home a space I am proud of. I have salt lamps and crystals in every room. I’ve cleaned out almost all of the clutter in my home. A clean organized home allows the body to thrive.
3) I began saying affirmations, bare faced in my mirror
“You are worthy of love”
“You are lovable”
“Let your heart light shine”
4) I began taking really great care of my skin. For the first time, I’m on a regimen (more to come about this in a later e-mail). We face people every day. There is no excuse to not take great care of our skin.
5) I traded my showers for long sage baths. This helps detox my body (and bathroom) of negative energies. It also smells incredible.
6) I don’t stress if I don’t make it to the gym. My new business is a priority. I always however make certain to get in a minimum of 35 min of cardio (rebounding, walking etc) every morning.
7) I visit my family more! THIS IS SO IMPORTANT! No one can bring a reality check to you like your family.
8) I practice intermittent fasting. This is something I’ve done for 20 years. It’s something that always brings me back into balance.
9) I don’t pretend. If I am not feeling at my best I let the people around me know.
10) I do good things for others on the DL (down low). For me it’s donating to various animal shelters around the world. I’m even sponsoring two dogs that were rescued in Germany. Sending a small amount of money every month to pay for food and shelter for these dogs makes my heart radiate with joy!
When our heart radiates we are filled with joy and our self esteem rises!
I love you, please love yourself📿💗☮️