The ending of karmic ties And why this is so very important.
Recently I dissolved all karmic connections in my life. As different as the interactions were with each person, all three of the interactions had extremely similar characteristics. Please note that these connections were made over a ten year span of time.
- Each of the men had found me and researched me online prior to approaching me in person.
- Each of the men had a history of online stalking with other women.
- Each of the men had either an engineering background or a background within their work realm where they dealt with the Internet in some capacity.
- Two out of three of the men are notorious for stealing from others creatively.
- One of the three men patronized my business as a means to attempt to get close to me.
- All three caused internet problems in my online business, YouTube channels and subscriber counts via Youtube by means of hacking.
- All three attempted to show up as the “hero of the year” to try and fix said problems.
- One of the men kept important E-mails from my view by hacking into my personal E-mail account. These E-mails contained opportunities in my field.
Since this has happened all three men have been reported federally and I have joined with a group of women who have had similar experiences. Many involving more than one person. As female influencers it is a must to be guarded online. The following are my top five tips on how to prevent online cyber stalking. Specifically for female influencers.
1.Be extremely leery of anyone who magically shows up to fix your website or Internet problems. The “hero role” is typical within the realm of cyber stalkers. Far too often these are men who do not have the capability to socialize. They hide away behind their computer screens in isolation.
2.Keep a written log of every single incident. Even incidences that happened around your home. Especially log any strange IP address that appear in the back end of your websites.
3.File a Civil Order Of Protection! After you’ve logged your information down for a significant period of time you will be able to file a civil order of protection. This is a must when the stalking is affecting your business
4. File the names with the FBI! The FBI has a cyber stalking website dedicated to people who stalk online. These investigations sometimes take years so if you want the person to truly get caught you may want to hold off on filing a civil suit well the FBI conducts their investigation.
5.Change your passwords often and use two factor identification especially on your cell phone and email. The number one way these people attack you is through your cell phone or your personal email address. Although choosing long unconventional passwords may not be the end-all to the stalking it certainly allows them to know that you are aware of the problem.
6. Speak publicly about what is going on. This can sometimes push someone to wage war against you if they truly are obsessed however this will definitely bring awareness to other women and also let your predator know that you’ve got your eye on them.
I truly hope this helps you protect yourself, your name and your business.
I would be a lot further along today if I had the awareness I do now.
I Love you, Please love yourself