Hello beautiful friends:)
If you give too much of yourself without taking into account the principles of self care and reciprocity, you’ll end up feeling ran down. I’m overly loving and nurturing in relationships and sometimes give of my time and energy a bit too freely. I do this with my partners and my clients. I’m learning that this type of behavior no longer serves me in the physical realms. I’ve found myself too many times feeling run down and overstressed due to trying to balance the home I care and pay for, my physical exercise, my yoga practice, my client base, my blogs, my YouTube channels other social media my website updates, news letters, media, retreats and my relationships.
Shortly before 2020 rolled around I vowed to myself to end anything that didn’t feel reciprocal. Reciprocity has many forms. When I speak of reciprocity I mean general appreciation of the energy we receive from another, we give back to them. We are all mirrors of one another. If one speaks gently to us, we will respond in a gentle way. If one reaches for our hand and gives it a gentle kiss, reciprocity could be given with a smile. It’s a natural way of being. If we see our partner has had a rough week, offering to take them out for the evening or even baking them a sweet potato is a form of reciprocity.
So deciding when 2020 rolled around that I would freely let go was a conscious decision. At first, I had decided the moment I felt that energy. The moment I felt tired, overwhelmed stressed and especially drained by any situation, client, person or task, I would simply let it fall away. Now, I ask myself the following… I ask myself, am I teaching this person anything? Are they learning and growing from me? Am I learning from them? Am I receiving love? Am I being spoken to gently, in a loving way? Am I being supported emotionally, supported physically or aided financially to grow into the absolute BEST person I can be? Am I finding joy within this? In relationships, do I feel like I can come to this person if I need to vent over a problem in my life? Will this be held against me later? Am I gaining in the area of my mental and physical health by being close to this person? Is there open communication or, are things being pushed under the rug? Am I a priority in this person’s life as they are in mine? Do I feel as though my privacy is being invaded? Are problems being created at my expense? Have there been more good enjoyable times than bad? Is there forgiveness, clear open communication and spiritual growth? Is someone working with me to build? Or, are we working against each-other, wasting our precious time here on earth.
In the past, I waited for growth. I allowed myself to stay complacent and confused. I wasted precious days that turned to weeks of my life to no avail. But recently (very recently), something shifted in me. I transformed from the inside out. People are beginning to ask me what I’m doing differently. Have I gotten more sleep? Did I take a vacation? I simply say the following… “I’m allowing all that is not solid honest and true in my life to fall away”.
I believe in honest communication and this is why I am communicating with all of you that my social media will be limited over the next few months. I am making myself my number one priority as I’ve always done but seem to have put on the back burner at times. I’m happy that all of you have value the free information I’ve given you over the years but I am one person, single and I do a lot on my own. I want to devote 2020 to cultivating a relationship because this is something I have put on the back burner and am ready to explore once again but for the FINAL time. I’m grateful for everything that all of you bring to me each day with your loving messages. Thanking me for all I do for you. The best example I can be for you is showing you the picture of health within the realm of friendships relationships and my home life that models what I truly believe in. Therefore I accept nothing but the best from all of you as I place my love and family life front and center over the next year and moving forward. Part of this for me requires less publicly and more private one on one interaction with my loved ones. It’s time for me to focus less on being something for everyone and more and being everything to one person. Whomever the Universe and my ancestors has in store for me!
Thank you for staying the course and being a support system for me as I’ve been for you. As you watch my business and personal life transform I pray you make the necessary changes to catapult you forward in life as well.
Love you
Please love yourselves
Here’s to embracing SO MUCH LOVE!I
I only want the best for you
Please love yourself and stay humble
Until tomorrow