Due to the current planetary shifts, many of us are taking control of our lives. In order to do this we first need to take a look at what people who are already in control truly feel inside.
The three types of control freaks
Type #1 The Tyrannical boss This guy sees your work as never being good enough, doesn’t appreciate you and doesn’t pay you enough! This guy has always been a control freak and most likely is driven by his ego. If you are working for this type of selfish smuck chances are you too are driven by your ego. Why else would you be working for a man who treats you in this manner?
Type #2 The spoiled child This is the child, buddy, sister, brother, mother or friend who thinks they should have a say in how you live your life and who you live it with. This is a person you have given your power away to completely. Your family, friends and co-workers should not have a say in your most intimate relationship.
Type #3 The wounded wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend. Have you ever been cheated on? Did you stay with the person after the cheating occurred? How did your behavior change after? Did you become paranoid, scared that they would repeat their poor behavior choice? This type of situation can often bring out the control in the most un-controlling person. A good way to see if this is the case is to ask yourself how this person treated you PRIOR to your cheating (if you are said cheater). Did the two of you do the necessary repair work on your relationship? This is the only type of control freak that can truly change!
Now that we’ve established this, lets take a peak at ourselves! I know…I know, it’s scary!
If you love someone, tell them
If you want to move, move
If you aren’t in control of your decisions look at who is in your ear.
Stop making excuses for why your life isn’t a certain way and take action! The blame game is pretty old.
If there are two or more people mimicking a behavior pattern in your life that you don’t like, why are you blaming one? Maybe it’s time you take a look at yourself!
There are a lot of people not owning their shit! Myself being one of them! I’m fully aware however & have made the necessary changes on myself! This is what many of us fail to do. We fail to look at ourselves. We often do this to our own detriment losing the most loyal people who we love. I think it’s time we all step up to the plate!
Family & Friends I think it’s time we stop trying to live up to what our family and friends want for us and instead of choose what we want for ourselves. People who are in control of their lives don’t look to others to make decisions for them. This is more conditioning. If anything is said to you for any length of time repeatedly, you begin to believe it.
Communication I think it’s time to stop using non communication as a cover up for lies, deceit and not owning our childhood wounds that we are scared to face as a means of holding us back! To not communicate your truth is to be a total sell out! Not just to those that have invested their time and energy to you, but also to yourself. Wake up! Take control of your life! Own your lies and make apologies where needed!
Be Honest with Yourself! If you desire more control in your life, take control. If you desire more love in your life, cut out those who don’t pay any attention to you. If you desire compromise so you can have it all, find a clear communicator who desires to work with you, not against you. People aren’t mind readers. I assure you, there have been MANY people cradling your emotional bullshit while you’ve pondered your direction!
Compromise! Years ago I found myself deeply in love with a man who made more money than me. This bothered him greatly and he pulled away emotionally. The bottom line was, we had NO COMMUNICATION and I was getting NO AFFECTION. This man also had several people in his ear. I was frustrated, felt lost and alone. However, without us communicating and compromising about creating a solution to fix our problems no change would occur.
I had to finally wake up and see with my own eyes that I had spent years with a man who had no intention of fixing the problem easily by moving us in together. I was bringing in $5000- $7000 per month and was being told “I was a liability”! There was a clear simple solution but this man didn’t value me enough to take control and employ it.
I’m beautiful, creative, loyal, affectionate, fit, healthy and loving! I had no reason to stay with a man who was not stepping up to the plate for me by progressing us forward with healthy boundaries.
The importance of Digesting Pain Without contrast, we don’t grow! We don’t learn how to compromise! We don’t see ourselves nor do we recognize our past life traumas, childhood conditioning or see what the Universe is attempting to teach us. Instead, we move on to repeat the same patterns with new people. I would rather wallow in pain for a year then to pull new innocent people into any pain that is lingering inside of me because I chose to not truly marinate and digest my pain.
I hope this helped at least one of you! I would honor your feedback.
Blessings of love, health, grace and abundance