I healed my relationship karma!
Over the past two years I have spent my life in a place of oneness. Alone in great peace within this solitude. I made my space into a sanctuary. I built a second business that allowed me to end co dependency in every form. I became incredibly close with a select group of friends and developed an ever expanding love for my two little rescue dogs.
I even began brushing their little teeth.
I began spending an hour each day getting lost in nature. I reclaimed my powerful yoga practice. I started caring for my skin with daily beauty regimens, making my own skincare from the herbs in my garden and food from my kitchen.
I started going to the farmers market again. I FaceTimed my mom daily and re learned the importance of putting others needs before my own.
My relationship with myself has always been the most important relationship I’ve had. It has ALWAYS remained strong and it will always be the one I place first.
I began recognizing A pattern with every man I had been with and a difference in the men that approach me today. A pattern of choosing men who were still living mostly in their shadow side, unable to become vulnerable and not living up to their full potential in life. I woke up to the fact that a man who is not living to his full potential in life will end up seeing his partner as competition instead of his lover.
I realized that within every relationship I entered into I was getting closer to my divine partner as the QUALITY in my partners was improving. I can count on one hand how many men I have been in a relationship with and interacted with intimately. But it would take four hands to count the number of men who loathe the ground I walk on. Not because I have hurt them directly. Because I pointed out the huge elephant in the room. Their shadow that needed to be embraced.
I now realize it is not that I am a failure at relationships but that I am excellent and thrive in relationships and that sometimes the divine pairs up a mismatch so that we can learn and GROW from one another.
But it is not my job to fix anyone. It is not my job to be dragged through someone’s shadow side. It is not my job to try to piece puzzles together that make absolutely no sense and hold no validity to where I am today. It is not my job to be forced into “hyper masculinity mode” and fight any man who wants to tear down everything I built because their ego has been bruised.
It is crystal clear that my spiritual Sadhana has always been to come down here to this earth and teach them how to open their hearts. To meet their inability to be open and vulnerable with love. To mirror their aloof behavior with the same degree of disinterest. It was my job to show the wounding man that he too could be wounded. It was my job to meet daggers being thrown with the shield that repelled them right back into their own hearts.
So if you are a man out there that is having trouble being open and vulnerable with a woman please do me this favor. Instead of seeing her as your competition. Instead of seeing her as a threat. Instead of trying to tear down everything she has built for her self. Stand back and be proud that you took part In creating something so beautiful that once loved you and still wants you to create for yourself and your loved ones today.
Since 2013 I faced more slander and and cyber bullying than anyone should ever need to face. It took me six years to figure out that my cyber bully was a man I once cared for. I wouldn’t wish what I have gone through on my worst enemy but I will tell you this, every bit of it has been worth it to open me up to the divine wisdom I have today.
It is a fact that a man who sees a woman as his competition cannot love her. We women do not view men in this same manner. There is beauty in equality. There is beauty in seeing everyone as the same and not having a relationship that is built on a hierarchy shaped like a Pyramid. There is beauty In going in a direction towards where you felt you were led to go. And there is divine beauty in a woman who stands in her power and still has the inner resources to be vulnerable to the man that she loves.
I’m so happy today. Love surrounds me in more than one way. Outside of an occasional hiccup, life is oh so sweet! I encourage each of you women and men to heal your relationship karma. The moment you do you will see clearly that it is not your responsibility to clean up anyone else’s mess or to shine a light into the very dark room that represents their shadow.
It is only your job to be the best person you can. Learning your life’s purpose and your spiritual Sadhana.
Note: If you are being bullied or cyber bullied by an ex or a man/woman you have turned down in any capacity, I encourage you to fight back and take a stance. There are laws to protect you.