Before I share with you Six Tips to Navigate Mercury Retrograde, let me say that this mercury retrograde represents an ending for many of us of a 10-year karmic cycle. Sadly, for many, this cycle represented a tiring journey of a group of people trying to hinder our growth.
Stand in strength and grace knowing that this was a must in order for you to learn to set healthy boundaries.
Karmic cycles have ended. Anything that is still around us that does not belong will feel forced, highly toxic, combative, and codependent.
The desert passage reminds us that even if we walk solo we walk in faith and power that our thirst is always quenched with love, creativity, and undeniable amounts of abundance pouring in our direction! Feel grateful that you see clearly now who is for you and who has been trying to slow your progress all along. Move forward in faith.
I have been spending a lot of time in nature with my animals. Playing my singing bowls along with the occasional visit to the ocean has been soothing to me.
A time of great abundance is here for many of us. For me, this inflowing abundance into my life has been a sign of successfully locking out any karmic leeches of the past. The abundance is a huge blessing after a long battle I wasn’t even aware existed.
What is Mercury Retrograde?
The best way I can describe mercury retrograde is when certain planets move backward causing us to slow down and revert back to past situations, relationships, and timelines that usually are not for our highest good. Trust me when I say that ex who reaches out to you during retrograde season IS NOT doing his or her shadow work! I love the way this article explains mercury retrograde and the emotions it brings up.
Six Tips to Navigate Mercury Retrograde
Clean your home, car and office space
Mercury retrograde and retrograde season, in general, is a great time to take on the task of de-cluttering. Retrograde is the best time to haul those old clothes you no longer vibe with off to the Goodwill. The retrograde also serves as an excellent time to file those stacks of papers on your desk that need to be filed. Mercury rules Virgo, the great organizer of the zodiac, so doing a “retrograde cleaning” is a perfect way to get things in order.
Complete past projects
This time period is not great for starting projects but rather for completing them. Projects you started but got placed on the back burner should be front in center on your trajectory.
Don’t reach out to that ex girlfriend or boyfriend
This undesired communication may happen on its own. You can expect a random call, E-mail, or text to come in from a past friend or lover. It happens. Like I tell my clients, take time to think prior to responding. What starts (or returns) during retrograde usually doesn’t stay.
Don’t sign contracts
It’s a more traditional superstition that it’s not a good time to sign contracts or buy electronics as they are more likely to break. If you break up with your partner, you may find yourself back together again soon after retrograde ends. Things that happen during Mercury retrograde don’t always stick. On the other hand, you may find yourself back together with an ex in this period. I strongly advise against this due to the relationship most likely being karmic.
Expect slow downs with electronics
Expect communications to get a little wonky via text or email. It may be better to call and discuss things rather than have misunderstandings over missed E-mails, etc.
Focus on doing your shadow work
The retrograde is an excellent time to focus on going within and doing your deep shadow work. Shadow work is all about incorporating your shadow (dark side) with your light. I can introduce you to this process during an intuitive guidance session found here. Out of all Six Tips to Navigate Mercury Retrograde, shadow work should be your top priority!
What this retrograde has done for me personally
This is the first retrograde I’ve spent in the desert. The desert reminds us that even on dry land things can grow and prosper more than they ever could while being polluted by dirty water. It’s amazing isn’t it, how the seemingly overly important things in life become instantly unimportant in a blink of an eye.
Social media may become unimportant during the retrograde season!
Lately, I could care less about social media. The only things that occupy my mind are my animals, my family, my health, and the happiness and health of my clients.
Yesterday and the day prior was a day of recording videos and it almost seemed redundant to me. Live videos seem so much more REAL! They have always come easy to me. I mean after all, if we can’t be real when we flip on the camera why would we feel comfortable enough even to record?
How and what to eat during the retrograde season!
Retrograde is all about eating less and moving the body more! I often fast during mercury retrograde incorporating simple meals here and there!
In the juicy photo above, it was another day of liquids until dinner to free me up for what I do best. To work with amazing people who are changing their lives! One juice and karmic cycle ending at a time. I guess the message here is to please remember to focus on what is real. People gravitate towards that a lot more than what they deem as false, planned, and measured. This is what the retrograde season has clearly shown to me.
My mind was filled with positivity and my taste buds were re-opened and receptive to what is best for my constitution as I enjoyed this fresh-pressed OJ. I love creating beautiful food always have always will. In one of my Intuitive life coaching programs, “Mastery to mindfulness” one of the principles I teach is tuning the rest of the world out so that you can tune in! This is especially important during the retrograde season.
Try it… the results are MINDFULLY MIND-BLOWING!
In closing…
I hope that these Six Tips to Navigate Mercury Retrograde truly help you! I want you to keep your mind busy with decluttering during this retrograde season. Be sure and do your shadow work too! Watch the way your heart, mind, and body open and expand in the most positive of ways!
A special Thank you!
I want to thank each and every one of you who have subscribed to my new spiritual channel The Detox Intuitive. Your support means the world to me. I am looking forward to seeing the Youtube channel grow and prosper more now than ever before!!! The monthly readings for October are up! The weekend intuitive guidance reading is uploading now.
I love you, please love yourself and drink your juice
~ Andrea