We waste so much time worrying about what others think of us. Years ago…I wouldn’t write certain things, say certain things or wear certain clothes out of the fear that I would be judged. I wouldn’t go certain places and I isolated myself greatly due to worrying about what others thought of the way I looked or that I would be seen as ignorant when I spoke. I still isolate myself but it is no longer coming from a place of fear. It is coming from a place of desiring the proper tribe to be around.
I am learning more and more that being around people and working together with others is something that is needed to achieve a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment. I’m not good at this because after years of feeling “not good enough”… isolation can become a habit that is hard to break. Slowly and surely I am stepping out of my shell in order to be around others in the flesh. NOT just shooting video behind a camera but in the flesh.
The other night I spent time with a few people that also suffer from social anxiety. Each of us had a different yet similar story. A story about a Traumatic event happening that changed our extrovert nature into introverted and isolated. Sometimes we can take those insecurities and turn them into a very extroverted personality that isn’t who we truly are at the core of our heart space. Some of the most confident people die inside every day thinking that they are not good enough. Even those who look to be extremely outgoing confident and positive may be suffering on the inside. They may feel lonely and may be isolated. Know that we all suffer and none of us are above anyone else. We all suffer in our own way with different types of things. Some of us may deal with these issues better than others.There is a strong need to tend to ourselves like little babies. To heal our inner child… our deepest wounds. To know that we are not alone no matter how difficult the struggle has been and that there is always someone out there with the same wound or a different wound that is willing to help.
I’ve spent the majority of my life alone, growing close to my little four-legged spirit animals and developing relationships with plants that I talk to and my elderly next-door neighbor who doesn’t have many visitors. Outside of this, my social circle is very small and although I have grown a lot in the solitude it is not something that I tend to stick with for very much longer.If you suffer from insecurity or social anxiety in any way, you are not alone. You are one of many people who just needs real friends real connections and real heartfelt love. Take a minute each day to stop and put your hand over your heart and say “I am enough”!
I Love you, please love yourself and drink your juice!