Sometimes we can create a routine that is healthier for us. We create a lifestyle that we feel relaxed in as we still focus on our goals and achieve them at our own pace. At times this way of living creates a direct call to action to disengage our energy from certain people that have played a pivotal role in our lives. It can be a person that we feel has played a small role but who feels they played a much larger role in our growth. Or, it can be from someone we just know will never come towards us in a truthful, vulnerable integral way.
It’s important to remember at these times that you will experience a pushback. It can be something as little as someone going off on you for no reason at all to people who think that what you speak, write or feel is about them when they haven’t even entered your thought space in months or years. Or, it can go as far as a person invading your personal or private space utilizing tactics such as spying or even cyber stalking. When these types of situations occur remember, we are all learning and growing at our own pace. It’s important to stay calm and be almost indifferent about everything that comes your way.
Every person, every place, and every human interaction has an ability to change our lives depending on how we react or don’t react in that space and time. Some of the moments in my life that have felt like the absolute worst, have led me to the most beautiful places and people. Especially that place I find deep within myself.
My entire life has been spent trying to help other people get healthy. Both in their body and in their heart. But sometimes practicing unconditional love can spark fear in even the most aloof person who pretends not to care. It is in these scenarios that I become fully aware that there is an entire world that needs our help. That these minuscule issues do not need to take up a minute of my mental space. Simply put, there are much bigger worldly problems we should be focused on.
I recently had a situation that was ongoing for the last year that really brought me to my knees. It was a cyber stalking situation that repeated itself very similarly to one that I had six years ago. Throughout this ordeal I have tried to remain as calm as possible while working with the proper people to get to the bottom of it. Sometimes our best course of action is no action at all. When you’re dealing with a specific person or group of people waiting for you to make mistakes…. find power in those moments you appear to be powerless!
A person who loves you, loves you unconditionally. Even if they think you are not living up to your full potential, they will allow you to live your life free from invading your privacy. Some of the greatest teachers in the world lost their battle fighting for the freedom of others.
I fight for the freedom for the knowledge to be put out into the ethers on Health and detoxification. What our government doesn’t want you to know. I’ve fought for this for almost 20 years. I also fight to teach that our issues live in our tissues and that if you do not clean up your physical house your heart will never be truly open to love unconditionally.
Tonight I want to personally thank anyone who has ever stood in my way. Thank you for reminding me of what a powerful force I am even though I’ve chosen up until this point to walk alone. I think I always knew that I was never alone. I know there are people in this lifetime that have been in my life several lifetimes before. I always knew that if I didn’t pose a challenge to them now… how would they ever grow? I think anyone who has stood in my way has felt the same concerning my growth too.
Thank you
I forgive you
I love you
Please love yourself