Post Lunar Eclipse and upcoming solar eclipse in Gemini thoughts…
A few things that came to the surface in order to be purged during the eclipse…
Speaking openly about what I am about to say is allowing me to live within the realm of great peace. So here goes.
Both men and women can be over the top threatened by an attractive single woman who takes care of herself. Especially when the self-love and upkeep span over a decade. I’d like to preface this by saying I never desired any type of fame or clout. Nor do I see myself in that way (at all)! My goal when I moved from Ohio to California was not to become an actress. I didn’t even know what the words “social media” were back then. My only goal in life was to help people get healthier and to save a few animals along the way. I am not the type of person that thinks that everyone is jealous of me. I actually have had a very low self-esteem until recently and I’ve worked on myself very hard to conquer these feelings.
I live a very peaceful life mostly in solitude. My gene code is that of the hermit. I literally LOVE being at home and making a home into my sanctuary. My personality number is that of the master teacher number 33 and this requires a lot of self-mastery and internal study of self. I also LOVE to travel even though the recent two years have not embodied travel.
Here is what I have noticed that used to be painful but now fuels my spiritual growth and business acumen. When you are attractive, physically fit, hold a level of high intelligence, are a great speaker, are single and unencumbered, and you don’t “need” anyone to buy your groceries, people get intimidated. This has become painfully obvious over the past few years. Without getting into details I’d like to let every woman know the following… YOU ARE SO LOVED!
If you are being gaslighted, gossiped about, treated as if you don’t fit in, or ignored by a group of colleagues, a partner, or friend, allow this to make you stronger. Their anger and jealousy towards you for putting yourself out there in a way that is offensive to them because they are not fulfilling their own dreams is not a reflection on you as a person. Don’t ever allow anyone to tell you that you are too much. Instead, let them be blinded by your light.
I have a few really close girlfriends that I hold near and dear to my heart. I like to keep my social circle small. I find this works best when you have a large social media following. My friends are all educated, accomplished, and have kind loving hearts. All of us love animals and we lead independent lives free of codependent relationships. Some of us are married, some are not. Some have children, some do not. Although none of them live in close proximity now, we keep in contact over face time. This is what gives me the strength I need to rise above jealousy and hatred from a few people I know, and a few that I have never even met.
Over the past few years, I have had my photos, videos, and social media pages reported out of pure jealousy. I’ve had one very twisted human literally try to “hide” my social media on the Internet because this person didn’t want me to meet anyone else. I’ve had my business tampered with, my name slandered with lies and at one point I made a conscious choice to rise above the hate and actually defend my name.
Today, I love myself SO MUCH that I know other people get inspired by my story of rising above. At my lowest point, I allowed other people’s jealousy to drag me down a rabbit hole and I spewed hatred back. This is not who I am today. Although I will call people out on their internal wounds that need to come to the surface, I do it in a loving way. If they don’t want to honor my opinion but wish to spew their opinion back I simply put up healthy boundaries and move on with my life in peace. Gone is the overly emotional girl who was able to be jolted out of her zen space. I simply can’t be rocked into a state of irritability or anger these days.
Although I still experience sadness as I did with losing my dog last week, I feel pretty rock solid these days.
When conflict arises I try to first exam my own behavior and ask myself if I was antagonistic in any way? If I am not in the wrong, I simply point out what I am seeing. If I am met with shouting, anger, or someone not wanting to own their own flaws, I hold up an energetic mirror to the other person in order for them to see their own reflection. I then detach in a graceful healthy way. I have learned to tune into my intuition as I wrote about in this article here.
I am a simple person. I follow the laws of hermetic principles and many Buddhist principles. I’m actually quite prudish and don’t venture out a lot unless it is in nature, to the gym or grocery.
Today, I am asking each of you for a favor. If you are judging anyone in your life for any reason at all please stop.
Maybe they are not interested in you romantically and you may be harboring resentment. Maybe they chose a lifestyle of focusing on their career instead of having a family. Maybe they are not of the same color or religion as you. Or maybe you feel that they do not deserve the platform they are standing on. Maybe they are attractive and keep themselves up or have chosen a certain look you don’t agree with. If you are harboring resentment towards anyone for the above, you need to look inward. Pray about it. Give it to God or your higher power.
The most important thing I would love all of you to take notice of and remember is when you see people helping others on social media, posting photos or sharing videos, not everyone is in it to gain a following, to make money, or to gain clout. Many of us are truly in it to help people in the world. Some of us want to educate people on factory farming, what eating a whole foods diet is all about, educate people on accepting different religions, spiritual practices and races and of course many of us wish to save animals.
I love helping people grow just like I was helped years ago.
Stop hating on people that gain growth, prosperity, and unwanted clout because they are following their soul’s journey. Start rooting people on! Be a cheerleader for others. Stop judging people like they are the black sheep. The last time I saw a black sheep it was incredibly beautiful! And that black sheep lived more conservatively and shined brighter than the whitest, purest sheep of the bunch.
I love this article of a similar nature found here.
I love you, please love yourself
copyright © Andrea