For the past year I have been up before the sun. I even wake before my two little fur husbands. Usually I light a few candles, sip a cup of tea and sit quietly in a meditative state. I usually follow this by saying a series of prayers that were created for me over ten years ago. The prayers are said out load and give me the protection motivation and courage I need.
Here are a few thoughts that came to me this morning…
Ask not for what you want but for what you need. Have you ever heard that Rolling Stones song “You can’t always get what you want”? About a year ago I was in a really dark place. The sun was out, there were people all around me trying to lift me up but I just couldn’t get out of the negative space my head was in. I was confused about a situation. I was so set on finding the answers I needed so that I could move forward in my life that I actually found myself going backwards. I found myself forgetting the journey I was on. The journey of life! I remember asking God to “get me back to myself”. I wanted to be the girl that went to yoga, hit the farmers markets and found joy in creative projects around my home. Fast forward to last week… I was at yoga and realized it had been a good five months since having those negative thoughts of confusion. I felt free and light! I said another prayer while at yoga that day…“God please surround me only with those who are certain about the direction in life they wish to take”. Right after this I began getting back to the person I was. Have I made mistakes since…yes. But overall asking for what I NEEDED instead of what I WANTED was key!
Ask to be forgiven for your sins without shaming or guilting yourself. We all make mistakes (all of us)! What’s important to remember is not to repeat the same mistake. After we learn the lesson awareness comes and hopefully we don’t repeat our mistakes.
See everything in it’s entirety from an above perspective instead of fragments. Fragments create separation and separation creates a sense of lack.
Get out of victim mode! A hard lesson for each of us. When we are in victim mode we are blaming another person or, group of people for our pain or suffering. The more we point fingers at others, place blame, ghost or keep secrets in order to keep others in a place of complacency, the more we keep ourselves stuck. Move out of victim mode and watch your entire outlook begin to expand!
Be thankful for every person, situation and life cycle that has entered and left your life. Hold space, love and gratitude for everyone you come across in this lifetime. These were all soul contracts each of us had to fulfill prior to entering this earth. These were the people, situations and cycles that brought you the very lessons that made you into the beautiful soul you are today.
I love you, please love yourself♥️