I recently began waking every morning at 4am {Vedic hours of creativity}! This has allowed me the extra time to work on a project we are putting out this month! A project that is very dear to my heart!
My evenings have been spent working with a new WordPress expert. In just a few weeks he has updated every plug in, revamped my retreat & coaching pages on this site and laid the groundwork to revamp/build a new retreat website!
I’m finding creating friendships with women of depth & power are serving me within my business. Instead of working from home in yoga pants, I’ve been working out, showering & dressing professionally by 9am. This has set a tone for productivity that has proven to be more financially rewarding.
The Universe planted a seed in the form of a house guest staying at my place for a month who has proven to be quite a mentor. His success in the private equity field is GINORMOUS & I’ve been picking up on his successful habits:) He also has a cool working dog named Buttercup!
Being a model for two decades of my life had me a bit jaded. Life has always revolved around workouts, yoga & eating good! There is nothing wrong with making health a priority! It should be! That being said, I think there is something to this responsibility thing too! Getting out of my yoga pants and dressing for business. Being around other successful people. Prioritizing projects at my peak creative hours all seem to be paying off! Literally paying off!
I think I’m liking this shift of going from a Queen of Cups to a Queen of Pentacles. {Tarot talk}
Get up
Get going
Get rewarded
We really can have it all but we must put in an effort! Nothing happens without effort!