That’s right beautiful! Every Tuesday you and I are going to be making dinner together! Click here to watch! Food Prep & gearing up for our lift off of the 7 Day Juicy cleanse! If you haven’t heard, IT’S DETOX TIME! I have the absolute perfect way for you to detox! I assure you on my…
Cyber Monday!
Hi Beautiful! When 2016 rolled around I set a goal to spread the word about health and wellness even more than I had the year prior through TV appearances, radio shows, YouTube channel & news letter. I also wanted to help a minimum of fifty clients one on one! These private VIP clients were not…
Another New Year is around the corner! Isn’t it time you take action?!
Hello lovely:) So many people ask me for help to lose ten ~ twenty LBS! They’ve tried an exercise program. They’ve tried cutting carbs They’ve tried going vegan But still, NO weight loss! In fact, they often end up bigger than before with more weight to lose than they started with! Let me tell you…
How I lost 50 Pounds in less than 6 weeks!
Hi Beautiful:) This morning I was creating space on my cell by deleting videos. I came across one of me two years ago right before I met my partner. I was carrying about 50 lbs on me that wouldn’t budge. I was exercising & we all know I eat right. My body just wouldn’t let…
How to Make a Quick Anti-aging Energy Boosting Tonic~Your weekly mojo!
Mmmm! What am I drinking on this beautiful Sunday morning? What do I drink every morning? Delicious antioxidant packed, anti-aging Matcha tea! I feel that I owe a huge part of my skin health to drinking this tea daily for the last decade! And rightfully so! Just look at all of the health properties in matcha! 1)…